Webpack: what is a chunk?

July 24, 2024 · 1204 words · 6 min


The word chunk seems to be ubiquitous in the parlance of web bundlers, especially of webpack.

In my opinion, understanding the concept of a chunk is essential to understanding how webpack works (even at a higher level only). From my experience, everything revolves around chunks - from input files to code splitting and lazy loading, bundle improvements, optimizations and output files.

My goal for this article is to explain as simply and concisely as possible what a chunk is when it comes to webpack. The first part will be a bit theoretical, but then we will dive into some practical examples to make sure there are no concepts left unclear. Let’s see how it goes!

What exactly is a chunk?

Simply speaking, a chunk is a file resulted from the bundle process. But it is not just a file, it is a file that

  1. encapsulates modules.
  2. contains generated code, also known as runtime code - this code plays an important role in making sure the bundled application works as expected when loaded in the browser.

I feel that’s all there is to it. What might be left unclear at this point is the difference between a module and a chunk and how they harmoniously work together. Let’s find out in the next section!

What is the difference between a chunk and a module?

Isn’t a module a file, too? Or, at least, aren’t these two very tied?

In order to clarify things, we first need to make a distinction between input files and output files (i.e. files resulted after bundling).

Initially, a module resides in a file. We could safely state that, in the beginning, there is a 1:1 relationship between a module and a file.

After the bundling process, things will be different - the rule we agreed upon above no longer is valid. Every file resulted is a chunk and the modules that we had initially are just part of those chunks.

So, a module is a file in the beginning, but, after webpack has finished bundling, the resulted files are called chunks and the chunks contain modules, as well as runtime code. Webpack uses this runtime code in order to properly tie together all the resulted chunks so that the application becomes functional.

There is good news - this has been the theoretical part of this article. In the next section, we will see some practical examples.

How is a chunk created?

There are multiple ways to create a chunk:

  1. By using the entry option. Every file provided to the entry option will result in a new chunk.
  2. By using the import() function. This function allows us to create chunks and even load them dynamically (e.g. based on runtime conditions).
  3. By using certain webpack plugins, such as SplitChunksPlugin.

Creating chunks with the entry option

The example we will use in this section can be found and tested live here.

Suppose the webpack.config.js file has the entry option configured as follows:

entry: {
    a: './a.js',
    b: './b.js',
    c: './c.js',
output: {
    path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
    filename: '[name].chunk.js',

And these are the raw files:

├── a1.js
├── a2.js
├── a.js
├── b.js
└── c.js

After running webpack, the dist directory will have 3 chunks:

├── a.chunk.js
├── b.chunk.js
└── c.chunk.js

As stated earlier, each of these chunks will contain modules and some runtime code.

For instance, a.js imports both a1.js and a2.js and, as a result, a.chunk.js will contain all these 3 modules (a, a1 and a2):


We could think of a.js as the main module of a.chunk.js and all of a.js’s dependencies (as well as their dependencies and so on) will be part of this chunk. If we scroll until the end of the file, we will see the dependencies actually being used:


The same applies for b.chunk.js and c.chunk.js.

Now, I would like to raise the following questions, knowing that c.js also imports a1.js. What do you think c.chunk.js will look like? Will there be a copy of a1.js just like in a.chunk.js or will webpack find a clever way to not duplicate the module?

Well, as it turns out, a1.js will be copied twice - once in a.chunk.js and once in c.chunk.js:


This is the default behavior, when no optimizations are applied by webpack. If you want to have more control on such situations, webpack’s SplitChunksPlugin is a powerful way to achieve that.

Creating chunks with the import() function

The example we will use in this section can be found and tested live here.

This time, we don’t have to dabble with webpack’s configuration too much:

// webpack.config.js
entry: {
    a: './a.js',
output: {
  path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
  clean: true,
  filename: '[name].chunk.js',

These are the files we are starting off with:

├── a.js
├── b.js
├── c.js
└── d.js

The interesting bits reside in the a.js file, while all the other files simply export a string:

import d from './d';


import('./b.js').then(() => console.log('[b] ready!'));

const someCondition = true;
if (someCondition) {
  import('./c.js').then(() => console.log('[c] ready!'));

export default 'a';

The import() function has been used twice, so we expect at least two resulting chunks after the bundling process.

Let’s run webpack with npm run dev and see what the output is:

├── 1.chunk.js
├── 2.chunk.js
└── a.chunk.js

Actually, there are 3 chunks. a.chunk.js is the entry chunk (i.e. the one that corresponds to the entry field), while 1.chunk.js and 2.chunk.js map to b.js’s chunk and c.js’s chunk, respectively. The d.js module simply belongs to a.chunk.js.

If we take a look at what the import() functions have been translated into, we shall see the following runtime code:


import('./b.js') has turned into __webpack_require__.e(/* import() */ 1). The e function, along with other cleverly defined functions, are part of the so-called runtime code. Such code, in the context of the import() function, is responsible for loading chunks over the network (e.g. via a script tag and JSONP), as well as for integrating the constituent modules of loaded chunks so that the entire bundled application is functional.

With the help of the import() function, developers can achieve, besides code splitting, lazy loading. It also has an interesting trait - it can be used with dynamic arguments. I have written an article on this topic here.

Creating chunks via webpack plugins

This topic deserves an article on its own, which is why I have written Webpack: An in-depth introduction to SplitChunksPlugin. In that article, I share my findings about how SplitChunksPlugin acts as an optimization layer in the bundling process.

One case where SplitChunksPlugin could create new chunks is when there are heavy modules (i.e. files with a lot of lines of code) that are frequently imported in the application. This plugin will magically group such heavy modules in chunks so that they are loaded only once and not duplicated at all. This could be a huge performance improvement, especially on devices with low CPU power or low network bandwidth.


I hope this fairly short article shed a light on what a chunk is in the context of webpack. For me, understanding this concept was a turning point in my webpack learning journey. After that, I could properly focus on specific features and other advanced concepts.

Thank you for reading!