The underlying mechanisms of React’s concurrent mode

August 19, 2023 · 3409 words · 17 min


It’s not the first time React seemed like magic to me. But, this time, reading the Marking a state update as a non-blocking transition section from the useTransition documentation really caught my attention.

In this article, besides sharing how the concurrent mode works with the help of React’s transitions, I will also walk you through my reasoning process that I employ whenever I try to arrive from having no idea how this works to I finally get it!.

It’s worth mentioning that, this time, I took a roundabout approach to explaining a concept. We will heavily make use of the startTransition function from the useTransition hook to finally arrive to how concurrent mode works. First, we will introduce the problem, then we will test some assertions and, at the end, things should(and hopefully) make sense.

Let’s get started!

Introducing the problem

Here is the link to the CodeSandbox application that this article will be based on. As mentioned earlier, this example has been extracted from this section of the React’s useTransition documentation:


The PostTab is slow in terms of rendering time:

const PostsTab = memo(function PostsTab() {
  // Log once. The actual slowdown is inside SlowPost.
  console.log("[ARTIFICIALLY SLOW] Rendering 500 <SlowPost />");

  let items = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
    items.push(<SlowPost key={i} index={i} />);
  return <ul className="items">{items}</ul>;

function SlowPost({ index }) {
  console.log("rendering post " + index);
  let startTime =;
  while ( - startTime < 1) {
    // Do nothing for 1 ms per item to emulate extremely slow code

  return <li className="item">Post #{index + 1}</li>;

The PostsTab component acts as a container for multiple SlowPost components, each of them requiring 1 millisecond to render. So, if there are 1000 posts to be rendered and each post corresponds to a SlowPost component, the total rendering time for the PostsTab component will be 1 second. One would expect that, during this period of 1 second, the browser would become unresponsive to user interaction. However, this is not going to happen due to setting the state that would normally result in a noticeable freeze in a startTransition callback:

function selectTab(nextTab) {
    startTransition(() => {

In order to see this in action:

  1. while being on the About page, select the Posts (slow) tab
  2. immediately(i.e. while the Posts page isn’t shown in the page) click on the Contact page

If the Posts page seems to show too quickly, you can increase the number of posts from 1000(i.e. 1 second to render) to a larger amount.

As you can notice, there was no delay after quickly selecting the Contact page right after selecting the Posts page. Using startTransition is what makes this smooth user experience possible.

In order to feel the magic of startTransition, try commenting out the startTransition parts and follow the steps from above:

function selectTab(nextTab) {
//    startTransition(() => {
			// If `nextTab === 'post'` -> noticeable browser freeze for the user!
//    });

Now, if, for example, 2000 posts must be rendered, you should notice a 2 second freeze period after clicking on the Posts (slow) tab.

After seeing the difference the startTransition function makes, I felt deeply impressed. It really seemed like something magical must be going on. I’d lie if I were to say that it didn’t keep me up at night.

In the following sections, we are going to go through my reasoning process and, hopefully, at the end of it, we will understand what makes this user experience possible.

Why does the browser freeze when not using startTransition?

For reference, here is the CodeSandbox for the example in question.

This was the question that, in my opinion, set me on the right track. By finding out the answer to this question, we will essentially find out the problem that the startTransition function is trying to solve, and I think this is a great starting point.

The key to finding this answer is understanding what really rendering means in the context of React. What does it mean for a component to be rendered? - in very simple terms(I don’t even think there could be more to be said here, to be honest), rendering means to invoke a function that represents a React component.

Let’s bring up once again the part that indicates a slow render:

// ==========================================================
function SlowPost({ index }) {
  console.log("rendering post " + index);
  let startTime =;
  while ( - startTime < 1) {
    // Do nothing for 1 ms per item to emulate extremely slow code

  return <li className="item">Post #{index + 1}</li>;
// ==========================================================

// Some details have been skipped for brevity.
function PostsTab() {
  const items = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
		items.push(<SlowPost index={i} />)

So, rendering the PostsTab component means executing the PostsTab() function. This implies that the SlowPost function will have to be invoked 1000 times and, since invoking SlowPost requires 1 millisecond, the total rendering time will be 1 second.

Now that we have got an understanding of that rendering means, we have also got the first hint: it’s the rendering that takes a lot of time, not the browser building the web page. Or, in other words, it’s the rendering phase, not the action of committing rendered elements to the real DOM.

Yes, there is a clear distinction between rendering(i.e. invoking functions while determining new changes that would have to be eventually be shown in the real DOM) and committing to the DOM. What’s also interesting is that the commit phase does not have to always come after the render phase. For instance, a tree of Virtual DOM nodes can be rendered, but their commitment to the real DOM can be delayed. Such example can be found in an article I wrote a while ago, On React Suspense’s throttling.

Concretely, what’s really going on when using this logic:

function selectTab(nextTab) {
//    startTransition(() => {
//    });

is that, after clicking on Posts (slow) React will render the entire tree synchronously. It’s similar to doing something like this:

 const renderSlowPost = (...args) => {
  const startTime =;
  while ( - startTime < 1) {
    // Do nothing for 1 ms per item to emulate extremely slow code

const renderPostsTab = (...args) => {
  for (let postIdx = 0; postIdx < 1000; postIdx++) {

// ============================================================

const selectSlowPostsTab = () => {
  // This takes 1 second - a lot!
 // This will be executed after 1 second(i.e. after the above function returns).

Of course, in reality, it’s a lot more complicated than that. But the above pseudo-code should highlight where the problem lies - rendering(i.e. invoking some JavaScript functions) takes a lot of time, so the user will notice the delay.

By now, we have understood where the problem lies and that, somehow, the startTransition function magically solves this by wrapping the functions that sets the state:

function selectTab(nextTab) {
    startTransition(() => {

There are also a few things that are worth taking into account: the fact that JavaScript’s execution model is run-to-completion, which means that a function can’t be interrupted from its execution and resumed later. For example, in languages like C, this is possible. What this language feature means to us is that the execution of renderPostsTab

const renderSlowPost = (...args) => {
  const startTime =;
  while ( - startTime < 1) {
    // Do nothing for 1 ms per item to emulate extremely slow code

const renderPostsTab = (...args) => {
  for (let postIdx = 0; postIdx < 1000; postIdx++) {

can’t be stopped so that other tasks with high priority get the chance to be executed, unless we apply some good practices.

Intuitively, if a task/function takes too long to be processed at once, we can break it into smaller chunks and process them periodically by interleaving them with other tasks that also need time on the main thread.

In the section, we are going to state a hypothesis as to how startTransition really works and then we are going to prove it. This will, in the end, lead us to a better understanding of React’s concurrent mode.

How startTransition works - a hypothesis

We have agreed upon that dividing an expanse task into smaller ones is a good approach to solving the problem we are facing - the browser becoming unresponsive to user interactions because rendering requires too much time.

This is the hypothesis as to what the startTransition function causes - rendering expensive tasks in chunks and yielding to the browser’s main thread periodically, so that the page stays responsive. In other words, startTransition will kick off the concurrent mode. Notice, though, that startTransition is not


responsible for breaking a task into smaller tasks - that’s up to the developer. We will see an example of this later in this article.

First, let’s test whether what’s been stated above it indeed true. For that, let’s bring once again the CodeSandbox application:


Notice some relevant console.log() calls. The most important would be the one in the SlowPost component.

We have already tested before that startTransition works: clicking on Posts (slow) and then, immediately after that, on the Contact tab, will not cause the browser to freeze at all. Now, we need to test our hypothesis and, for that, we need to go deeper into how React really works.

But first, let’s clarify a crucial aspect - what does it mean to yield to the browser’s main thread?

Yielding to the main thread

JavaScript runs in a single-threaded environment. Yes, one can make use of other additional threads(e.g. via WebWorker, ServiceWorker), but there is only one main thread, also known as the UI thread. This thread is responsible not only for tasks such as executing the JavaScript code written by developers(e.g. event listeners), but also responsible for rendering tasks, parsing CSS, etc. Whenever a function is executed, the entire main thread is blocked while executing that function, because the main thread can run only one task at a time. This is the reason a web page could become unresponsive - the main thread is busy executing some logic.

There is very interesting article which presents the RAIL model - in there, you can see which delays are acceptable depending on which situations, how much milliseconds should tasks take and much more.

Yielding to the main thread means interrupting the rendering process(we will see a bit later how it is possible) and give the browser the chance to perform other tasks, such as rendering, receiving user input, etc.

How does React yield to the main thread?

There are a few browser APIs that allow React to achieve that. For example, the documentation for window.setImmediate() says that:

This method is used to break up long running operations and run a callback function immediately after the browser has completed other operations such as events and display updates.

However, this method is not expected to be implemented in browsers. The good news is that there are alternatives that lead to the same result, one of them being the MessageChannel API.

This is exactly how React uses the MessageChannel API in order to schedule functions to be run after the browser has performed some of its essential tasks:

const channel = new MessageChannel();
const port = channel.port2;
channel.port1.onmessage = performWorkUntilDeadline;
schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline = () => {

The scheduling takes place once schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline() is invoked - keep an eye on this function, this will be so important later on!

So, by calling schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline() and after the browser has been granted the necessary time to receive user interaction and to perform other browser-related tasks, performWorkUntilDeadline() will be invoked and this is where React-related scheduled tasks will be run. An example of such tasks, especially relevant for the current situation, is a task that will render the Virtual DOM tree either synchronously or concurrently.

Now that we have learned about what yielding to the main thread means, let’s verify in the next section that startTransition does just that.

Verifying that startTransition indeed works

In the previous section, we have seen that schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline() will be invoked in order to schedule some work to be done after browser’s essential tasks - this contributes to a non-freezing experience for the user.

The intuition should now be that startTransition will lead to schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline() being called periodically. As a result, not all of the SlowPost components should be rendered at once.

How can we assert that?

Let’s open the Dev Tools in the CodeSandbox application and place the following logpoint:


A few key points worth noticing:

  • in the leftmost panel, we have added a log that will help us understand when a SlowPost component is being rendered

  • in the rightmost panel, he have added a logpoint to the line 538 of the scheduler.development.js file - this will let us know when React has interrupted the rendering process and reschedules it for later, after the browser will have performed its other tasks

  • in the rightmost panel, on line 517, notice how performWorkUntilDeadline() calls schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline() which will, in turn, schedule performWorkUntilDeadline() via the MessageChannel API; here is, once again, how it does that:

    const channel = new MessageChannel();
    const port = channel.port2;
    channel.port1.onmessage = performWorkUntilDeadline;
    schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline = () => {

    as you can notice, there is a recursion taking place; this is what ensures that React periodically yields to the main thread

  • lastly, still in the rightmost panel, calling scheduledHostCallback will lead to (some of the) scheduled tasks being executed

Now, it’s time to see the logs in action. Having the Console panel visible, try clicking on Posts (Slow) tab and then, very quickly, click on the Contact tab. After doing that, something like this should be shown in the console:


As you can see, the SlowPosts components won’t be rendered all at once, but in chunks, so that the browser has enough time to be responsive to the user.

So, our hypothesis has passed this test! Again, this is due to using startTransition.

In the next section, we will visualize this process of performing tasks and yielding to the browser with the help of some diagrams. This is also referred to as concurrent rendering.

Visualizing the concurrent rendering process

In order to understand the beauty of concurrent rendering, it’s important to first understand how React renders a tree of components.

The React’s synchronous rendering process roughly looks like this:

while (workInProgress !== null) {

where workInProgress indicates the current Virtual DOM node under consideration. Calling performUnitOfWork() can result, for instance, in rendering a component, if workInProgress is currently assigned to a functional component.

Let’s consider the PostsTab component in the CodeSandbox application:

const PostsTab = memo(function PostsTab() {
  let items = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
    items.push(<SlowPost key={i} index={i} />);
  return <ul className="items">{items}</ul>;

function SlowPost({ index }) {
  let startTime =;
  while ( - startTime < 1) { }

  return <li className="item">Post #{index + 1}</li>;

Here is how the corresponding Virtual DOM looks like after PostsTab has rendered:


As a result of rendering, PostsTab() returned an array of other React elements(which will later be converted into Virtual DOM nodes).

After that, each of the returned SlowPost children will become, one by one, workInProgress.

So, firstly, workInProgress = PostsTabNode, then performUnitOfWork(workInProgress) is called, then workInProgress = SlowPost0Node, then performUnitOfWork(workInProgress) is invoked(which, in essence, means that is has rendered), then workInProgress = SlowPost1Node so on.

When rendering concurrently, the while loop looks like this:

while (workInProgress !== null && !shouldYield()) {

Notice the !shouldYield() part - this is the part that allows React to interrupt the rendering process and then yield to the main thread. This is what’s relevant about shouldYield() implementation:

const timeElapsed = getCurrentTime() - startTime;
if (timeElapsed < frameInterval) {
  // The main thread has only been blocked for a really short amount of time;
  // smaller than a single frame. Don't yield yet.
  return false;
// ... Some details have been omitted for brevity.
return true;

Put differently, shouldYield() it checks if React has spent enough time on rendering and, if that’s the case, allow the browser to perform high priority tasks. If there is still time to render, then it goes on executing performUnitOfWork() until the next check of the while loop, where shouldYield() will be consulted again.

That’s the essence of concurrent rendering. Now, let’s visualize the example in question:


The above diagram (almost) corresponds to the behavior we have noticed in the console:


Let’s recap what’s going on: React renders the component tree by traversing it. The current node that is being visited(and about to be rendered) is denoted by workInProgress. The traversal takes place in a while loop which means that, before going ahead and performing work(e.g. rendering) on a workInProgress node, it will check if it should yield to the main thread first(i.e. denoted by the shoudlYield() function). When it’s time to yield, the while loop will stop and a task will be scheduled to run after the browser has done some work, while making sure the reference to the current workInProgress will be kept for the next time the rendering will be resumed. When there is still time to render, performUnitOfWork(workInProgress) will be invoked and, after that, workInProgress will be assigned to the next Virtual DOM node that will have to be traversed.

At this point, we should have at least a slightly better understanding of how concurrent rendering works. But, there is still something missing - how does startTransition activate concurrent rendering? The short answer is that, when the function is invoked, some flags end up to be added to the root node and these flags instruct React that this tree can be rendered in concurrent mode.

In the next section we will see why concurrent mode is not enough if the work is not properly divided in smaller chunks.

Expensive tasks should be divided into components in order for transitions to work properly

Here is a CodeSandbox application that illustrates an example where startTransition becomes useless:

const PostsTab = memo(function PostsTab() {
  let items = [];

  // The page should now be unresponsive for 4 seconds.
  for (let i = 0; i < 4000; i++) {
    // No longer dividing the task in smaller ones!
		// items.push(<SlowPost key={i} index={i} />);

    let startTime =;
    while ( - startTime < 1) {
      // Do nothing for 1 ms per item to emulate extremely slow code

    items.push(<li className="item">Post #{i + 1}</li>);
  return <ul className="items">{items}</ul>;

Although this is a contrived example, it should demonstrate that setting the state inside a startTransition callback

function selectTab(nextTab) {
    startTransition(() => {

has no effect whatsoever. Clicking on the Posts (slow) tab will cause the web page to become unresponsive and, as a result, clicking on Contact will have an effect only after 4 seconds(i.e. the required time for PostsTab to render).

Why does it happen, although startTransition has been used?

The initial problem was that multiple smaller tasks that took 1 millisecond each would be rendered synchronously(the total rendering time being 1ms * numberOfSmallerTasks). The problem was solved by startTransition because it was able to interrupt the tree traversal(and, as a result, the rendering process) so that the browser can work on high priority tasks. Now, the problem is that one single task takes 4 seconds. Basically, the concurrent mode is useless because one single unit takes literally too much time. The concurrent mode relies on the fact that there are multiple workInProgress nodes that need to be traversed.

In the initial example, there were 1000 workInProgress SlowPost components - they could easily be divided into batches of, let’s say, 5 SlowPost components, meaning that such batch would take 5 milliseconds. After one batch, it’s the browser’s turn to work on other tasks, then, again, another batch awaits and this keeps on repeating until there is nothing else to render.


I truly hope this was a useful (and fun) learning journey.

Lastly, I think this a great way to learn: create an hypothesis in your mind(e.g. this works this way because of these reasons…), keep pondering it and then finally pursue the answer.

Thanks for reading!
