Angular Router: Getting to know UrlTree, ActivatedRouteSnapshot and ActivatedRoute Urltree Activatedroutesnapshot Activatedroute

October 3, 2020 · 2113 words · 10 min


In this part, we’re going to cover why UrlTree is the foundation of a route transition and how ActivatedRouteSnapshot and ActivatedRoute provide a way to achieve features like guards, resolvers, or how an ActivatedRoute can be updated.

What is UrlParser and why it is important

Note: You can find each example here.

As we’ll see in the following sections, a URL is a serialized version of a UrlTree. As a result, a UrlTree is the deserialized version of a URL.

What a UrlParser does it to convert a URL into a UrlTree and it is primarily used by DefaultUrlSerializer. DefaultUrlSerializer is the default implementation of UrlSerializer and it’s used, for instance, by Router.parseUrl() method:

parseUrl(url: string): UrlTree {
  let urlTree: UrlTree;
  try {
    urlTree = this.urlSerializer.parse(url);
  } catch (e) {
    urlTree = this.malformedUriErrorHandler(e, this.urlSerializer, url);
  return urlTree;

This also means that, if needed, we can use our custom implementation of UrlSerializer:

// In `providers` array
{ provide: UrlSerializer, useClass: DefaultUrlSerializer },

An URL can have this structure: segments?queryParams#fragment; but, before diving into some examples, let’s first define what are the main components of a UrlTree:

export class UrlTree {
    public root: UrlSegmentGroup,
    public queryParams: Params, // Params -> {}
    public fragment: string|null
  ) { }
  /* ... */

From the aforementioned URL structure, we can already see that queryParams and fragment have found their pair. However, in which way does the segments part correspond with UrlSegmentsGroup?

An example of a URL would be a/b/c. Here, we have no explicit groups, only two implicit groups and its segments(we’ll see why a bit later). Groups are delimited by () and are very useful when we’re dealing with multiple router outlets(e.g named outlets).

Let’s see the structure of a UrlSegmentGroup:

export class UrlSegmentGroup {
  parent: UrlSegmentGroup|null = null;

    public segments: UrlSegment[],
    public children: {[key: string]: UrlSegmentGroup}
  ) { }

As stated earlier, there are 2 implicit groups. The first one is the root UrlSegmentGroup, which does not have any segments, only one child UrlSegmentGroup. The reason behind this is that it should correspond to the root of the component tree, e.g AppComponent, which is inherently not included in any route configuration. As we’ll discover in the next articles from this series, the way Angular resolves route transitions is based on traversing the UrlTree, while taking into account the Routes configuration. The second UrlSegmentGroup, whose parent is the first one, is the one that actually contains the segments. We’ll see how a UrlSegment looks in a minute.

We might have a more complex URL, such as foo/123/(a//named:b). The resulted UrlSegmentGroup will be this:

  segments: [], // The root UrlSegmentGroup never has any segments
  children: {
    primary: {
      segments: [{ path: 'foo', parameters: {} }, { path: '123', parameters: {} }],
      children: {
        primary: { segments: [{ path: 'a', parameters: {} }], children: {} },
        named: { segments: [{ path: 'b', parameters: {} }], children: {} },

which would match a route configuration like this:

    path: 'foo/:id',
    loadChildren: () => import('./foo/foo.module').then(m => m.FooModule)

  // foo.module.ts
    path: 'a',
    component: AComponent,
    path: 'b',
    component: BComponent,
    outlet: 'named',

You can experiment with this example in this StackBlitz.

As seen from above, UrlSegmentGroup’s children are delimited by (). The names of these children are the router outlet.

In /(a//named:b), because it uses a / before ((the could also be x/y/z(foo:path)), a will be segment of the primary outlet. // is the separator for router outlets. Finally, named:b follows this structure: outletName:segmentPath.

Another thing that should be mentioned is the UrlSegment’s parameters property:

export class UrlSegment {
    public path: string,
    /** The matrix parameters associated with a segment */
    public parameters: {[name: string]: string}) {}

Besides positional parameters(e.g foo/:a/:b), segments can have parameters declared like this: segment/path;k1=v1;k2=v2.

So, a UrlTree can be summarized in: the root UrlSegmentGroup, the queryParams object and the fragment of the issued URL.

What is the difference between /() and ()?

Let’s begin with a question, what URL would match such configuration?

const routes = [
    path: 'foo',
    component: FooComponent,
    path: 'bar',
    component: BarComponent,
    outlet: 'special'

You can find a working example here.

It’s worth mentioning that in this entire process of resolving the next route, the routes array will be iterated over once for each UrlSegmentGroup child at a certain level. This applies to the nested arrays too(e.g children, loadChildren).

So, a URL that matches the above configuration would be: foo(special:bar). This is because the root UrlSegmentGroup’s child UrlSegmentGroups are:

  // root's children

  primary: { segments: [{ path: 'foo', /* ... */ }], children: {} },
  special: { segments: [{ path: 'bar', /* ... */ }], children: {} },

As specified before, for each child(in this case primary and special) it will try to find a match in the routes array.
If the URL was foo/(special:bar), then the root UrlSegmentGroup would have only one child:

  // root child

  primary: {
    segments: [{ path: 'foo', /* ... */ }],
    children: {
      special: { segments: [{ path: 'bar', /* ... */ }], children: {} }

Which would match this configuration:

const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'foo',
    component: FooComponent,
    children: [
        path: 'bar',
        component: BarComponent,
        outlet: 'special'

You can find a working example here.

Additionally, along the special UrlSegmentGroup, you can have another primary UrlSegmentGroup: foo/(a/path/primary//special:bar). Note that a/path/primary is automatically assigned to a primary UrlSegmentGroup child only if the /() syntax is used.


In this section, we’re going to go over some exercises in order to get a better understanding of how the UrlParser works.

What URL would match with this configuration ? (to match all of them)

  {path: 'a', component: ComponentA},
  {path: 'b', component: ComponentB, outlet: 'left'},
  {path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'right'}


The root UrlSegmentGroup’s children are:

  primary: 'a',
  left: 'b',
  right: 'c'

What would the UrlTree look like is this case?

  // root's children

  // #1
  primary: {
    segments: ['q'],
    children: {
      // #2
      primary: {
        segments: ['a'],
        children: {
          // #3
          primary: { segments: ['c'] },
          left: { segments: ['cp'] }
      left: {
        segments: ['qp']
  left: {
    segments: ['ap']

You can find this example here as well.

  • /q/(...)(left:ap): #1
  • /q/(a/(...)//left:qp)...: #2
  • /q/(a/(c//left:cp)//...)...: #3

UrlTree, ActivatedRouteSnapshot and ActivatedRoute

As we’ve seen from the previous section, a UrlTree contains the fragment, queryParams and the UrlSegmentGroups that create the URL segments. At the same time, there are other important units that make up the process of resolving the next route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot and ActivatedRoute. This process also consists of multiple phrases, e.g: running guards, running resolvers, activating the routes(i.e updating the view accordingly); these phases will operate on 2 other tree structures: a tree of ActivatedRouteSnapshots(also named RouterStateSnapshot) and a tree of ActivatedRoutes(also named RouterState).

The ActivatedRouteSnapshot tree will be immediately created after the UrlTree has been built. One significant difference between these two tree structures is that in a UrlTree only outlets(named or primary, by default) are considered children(child = UrlSegmentGroup), whereas in RouterStateSnapshot, each matched path of a Route object determines an ActivatedRouteSnapshot child.

Let’s see an example. For this route configuration:

const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'foo',
    component: FooComponent,
    children: [
        path: 'bar',
        component: BarComponent,
        outlet: 'special'

and the next URL foo/(special:bar), the ActivatedRouteSnapshot tree would look like this:

  // root
  url: 'foo/(special:bar)',
  outlet: 'primary',
  /* ... */
  children: [
      url: 'foo',
      outlet: 'primary',
      /* ... */
      children: [
        { url: 'bar', outlet: 'special', children: [], /* ... */ }

This tree is constructed by iterating through the route configuration array, while also using the previously created UrlTree. For example,

  path: 'foo',
  component: FooComponent,
  children: [/* ... */],

will match with this UrlSegmentGroup:

  segments: [{ path: 'foo' }]
  children: { special: /* ... */ }

Then, the resulted ActivatedRouteSnapshot from above will have a child ActivatedRouteSnapshot, because the matched path(i.e foo) belongs to a route configuration object which also has the children property(the same would’ve happened if there was loadChildren).

Based on the RouterStateSnapshot, Angular will determine which guards and which resolvers should run, and also how to create the ActivatedRoute tree. RouterState will essentially have the same structure as RouterStateSnapshot, except that, instead of ActivatedRouteSnapshot nodes, it will contain ActivatedRoute nodes. This step is necessary because the developer has the opportunity to opt for a custom RouteReuseStrategy, which is a way to store a subtree of ActivatedRouteSnapshot nodes and can be useful if we don’t want do recreate components if the same navigation occurs multiple times.

Furthermore, we can also highlight the difference between ActivatedRoute and ActivatedRouteSnapshot. The ActivatedRouteSnapshot tree will always be recreated(from the UrlTree), but some nodes of the ActivatedRoute tree can be reused, which explains how it’s possible to be notified, for example, when positional params(e.g foo/:id/:param) change, by subscribing to ActivatedRoute’s observable properties(params, data, queryParams, url etc…).
This is achieved by comparing the current RouterState(before the navigation) and the next RouterState(after the navigation). An ActivatedRoute node can be reused if current.routeConfig === next.routeConfig, where routeConfig is the object we place inside the routes array.

To illustrate that, let’s consider this route configuration:

const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'empty/:id',
    component: EmptyComponent,
    children: [
        path: 'foo',
        component: FooComponent,
        path: 'bar',
        component: BarComponent,
        outlet: 'special'
        path: 'beer',
        component: BeerComponent,
        outlet: 'special',

and this initial issued URL: 'empty/123/(foo//special:bar)'. If we would now navigate to empty/999/(foo//special:beer), then we could visualize the comparison between RouterState trees like this:

As you can see, the Empty node(which corresponds to path: 'empty/:id') is reused, because this expression evaluates to true: current.routeConfig === next.routeConfig, where routeConfig is:

  path: 'empty/:id',
  children: [/* ... */]

We can also see these lines from EmptyComponent:

export class EmptyComponent {
  constructor (activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute) {
    console.warn('[EmptyComponent]: constructor');


and also from clicking these buttons:

<button (click)="router.navigateByUrl('empty/123/(foo//special:bar)')">empty/123/(foo//special:bar)</button>


<button (click)="router.navigateByUrl('empty/999/(foo//special:beer)')">empty/123/(foo//special:beer)</button>

The same logic can be applied for each of ActivatedRoute’s observable properties:

url: Observable<UrlSegment[]>,
/** An observable of the matrix parameters scoped to this route. */
params: Observable<Params>,
/** An observable of the query parameters shared by all the routes. */
queryParams: Observable<Params>,
/** An observable of the URL fragment shared by all the routes. */
fragment: Observable<string>,
/** An observable of the static and resolved data of this route. */
data: Observable<Data>,

 * An Observable that contains a map of the required and optional parameters
  * specific to the route.
  * The map supports retrieving single and multiple values from the same parameter.
get paramMap(): Observable<ParamMap> {
  if (!this._paramMap) {
    this._paramMap = this.params.pipe(map((p: Params): ParamMap => convertToParamMap(p)));
  return this._paramMap;

 * An Observable that contains a map of the query parameters available to all routes.
 * The map supports retrieving single and multiple values from the query parameter.
get queryParamMap(): Observable<ParamMap> {
  if (!this._queryParamMap) {
    this._queryParamMap =
        this.queryParams.pipe(map((p: Params): ParamMap => convertToParamMap(p)));
  return this._queryParamMap;

A working example can be found here.

When is UrlTree used ?

Now that we’ve understood what a UrlTree is, we can explore a few use cases.

When a UrlTree is returned from a guard, it will result in a redirect operation

As we can see from the source code:

if `canActivate` returns `UrlTree` -> redirect
checkGuards(this.ngModule.injector, (evt: Event) => this.triggerEvent(evt)),
tap(t => {
  if (isUrlTree(t.guardsResult)) {
    const error: Error&{url?: UrlTree} = navigationCancelingError(
        `Redirecting to "${this.serializeUrl(t.guardsResult)}"`);
    error.url = t.guardsResult;
    throw error;

For example:

const routes = [
    path: 'foo/:id',
    component: FooComponent,
    canActivate: ['fooGuard']
    path: 'bar',
    component: BarComponent

// `providers` array
    provide: 'fooGuard',
    // `futureARS` - future `ActivatedRouteSnapshot`
    useFactory: (router: Router) => (futureARS) => {
      return +futureARS.paramMap.get('id') === 1 ? router.parseUrl('/bar') : true;
    deps: [Router]

An example can be found here.


The Router.navigateByUrl(url) method converts the provided url into a UrlTree:

navigateByUrl(url: string|UrlTree, extras: NavigationExtras = {skipLocationChange: false}):
    Promise<boolean> {
  /* ... */

  // `parseUrl` -> create `UrlTree`
  const urlTree = isUrlTree(url) ? url : this.parseUrl(url);
  const mergedTree = this.urlHandlingStrategy.merge(urlTree, this.rawUrlTree);

  return this.scheduleNavigation(mergedTree, 'imperative', null, extras);

Router Directives

RouterLink and RouterLinkActive rely on UrlTrees in order to achieve their functionality.

RouterLinkActive will compare the current UrlTree with the one resulted from RouterLink’s commands and, based on the results, will add/remove classes accordingly.

RouterLink will create a new UrlTree, based on the current UrlTree and the provided commands.

We will explore them in detail in future articles, as they are pretty complex.

Thanks for reading!